
Dattorro's Reverb, Part 2

In my last entry I wrote about the Dattorro's reverberation network and post an audible example of it. The implementation of the DSP that I used at that moment produced an annoying background noise, thus could not closed the issue. Furthermore, I promised sources!
I finally decided to discard all code, use some powerful api like FMOD to manage the reading and reproduction of sound and thus focus on the implementation of the effect.

Looking at the Dattorro's structure, we will realize that it only uses three components:delays, low pass filters and all pass filters. So I decided to implement the logic of these three elements and then combine the blocks to achieve the desired result.


Let's start with the simplest of them, the delay.

We simply must get a delay of N samples in the output branch. To achieve this we will use the next class.

Delay header ( located inside SignalProcesing.h)
// Audio delay class
public class Delay


// Constructor
int size          // Size of delay (expressed in samples)


//Process one sample
void Process(
  float* sample // Address to store processed sample value

//Get sample delayed
float GetDelayedSample(
int delay // Delay expressed in samples

//Reads a sample
float ReadSample();

//Writes a sample
void  WriteSample(float sample);


int m_size;  // Size of delay in samples
int m_read;  // Read position
int m_write;  // Write position,(read + size) % size
float* m_buffer; // Samples buffer


Delay implementation ( located inside SignalProcesing.cpp)

// Constructor
int size // Size of delay (expressed in samples)
//Initialize values
m_size = size;
m_read = 0;
m_write = size - 1;

//Ensure that initial sample values at buffer are 0.0f
m_buffer = new float[m_size];
for(int i=0; i < size; ++i)
m_buffer[i] = 0.0f;

delete[] m_buffer;

//Writes a sample into buffer
void Delay::WriteSample(
float sample // Sample Value
//write sample
m_buffer[m_write] = sample;

//update write position
m_write = (m_write + 1) % m_size;

//Reads a sample from buffer
float Delay::ReadSample()
float retVal;
//read sample
retVal = m_buffer[m_read];

//update read position
m_read = (m_read + 1) % m_size;
return retVal;

//Process a given sample
void Delay::Process(
float* sample  // Address to store processed sample value
//Write sample into delay's buffer

//Update current value of sample with delayed value
*sample = ReadSample();

//Reads a delayed sample from buffer
float Delay::GetDelayedSample(
int delay   // Delay expressed in samples
int sampleIndex = (m_read - delay) % m_size;
return sampleIndex >= 0 ? m_buffer[sampleIndex]
                         : m_buffer[m_size + sampleIndex];

Main logic resides in Process method. In this case, we write the input sample at write position and read the value at read position (write always be (read + size)% size ).

Low Pass Filter

Next component is low pass filter. It's structure is showed at the picture.

And it's implementation is next class:

LowPassFilter header ( located inside SignalProcesing.h)
// Implements a low pass filter
public class LowPassFilter

// Constructor

// Destructor

// Set gain coefficient
void SetGain(
  float gain  // New gain coefficient
m_gain = gain;

// Process one sample
void Process(
  float* sample // Address to store processed sample value


float  m_gain;  // Gain coefficient
Delay* m_delay;  // Audio delay

LowPassFilter implementation ( located inside SignalProcesing.cpp)
// Constructor
// Create a delay of one sample
m_delay = new Delay(1);

// Destructor
delete m_delay;

//Process one sample
void LowPassFilter::Process(
float* sample  // Address to store processed sample value
*sample = *sample * m_gain
        + m_delay->ReadSample() * (1.0f - m_gain);
Like Delay, main logic resides in the Process method. We compute the value of the output sample from the delayed sample, following the operations showed in the image.

All Pass FIlter

Finally we have all pass filter, with the following structure and implementation.

AllPassFilter header ( located inside SignalProcesing.h)
//Implements an all pass filter
public class AllPassFilter


// Constructor
int delaySize,   // Size of delay in samples
bool changeSign   // Sign used in sums

// Destructor

// Set gain coefficient
void SetGain(
  float gain   // New gain coefficient
m_gain = gain;

// Process one sample
void Process(float* sample);

// Get sample delayed
float GetDelayedSample(
int delay // Delay expressed in samples


float  m_gain;  // Gain coefficient
bool   m_changeSign; // Change sign in the summations
Delay* m_delay;  // Audio delay
float  m_predelayNode; // Pre delay node value
float  m_postDelayNode; // Post delay node value
If we look at Process method, in this case the point is at post and pre delay nodes, from which one can calculate the filter output value.

Building the structure

Once we have the necessary components, only need to follow the structure and build the output signal using the scheme. The main point here is when defining the FMOD dps, provide as userdata the address of a ReverbDsp object, as following:

//Initializes audio system
void AudioManager::Initialize()

//Create the DSP reverb effect.

memset(&m_dspdesc, 0, sizeof(FMOD_DSP_DESCRIPTION));

m_dspdesc.channels     = 0;
m_dspdesc.read         = &DspCallback;

// Set as user data our ReverbDsp object
m_dspdesc.userdata     = m_dspEffect;

m_result = m_system->createDSP(&m_dspdesc, &m_reverbDsp);

//Inactive by default.
m_dspActive = false;

m_result = m_system->addDSP(m_reverbDsp, 0);


Where m_dspEffect is a pointer to a ReverbDsp object, and DspCallback is the callback function called from FMOD to do the signal processing. Inside that callback we must cast properly the provided userdata as follows:

// DSP Callback method, called from FMOD
FMOD_DSP_STATE *dsp_state,  // Dsp state
float *inbuffer,   // Address of input data
float *outbuffer,   // Address to store output data
unsigned int length,   // Size of data
int inchannels,    // Number of input channels
int outchannels    // Number of output channels
unsigned int count;
FMOD::DSP *thisdsp = (FMOD::DSP *)dsp_state->instance;

 // Get ReverbDsp
    ReverbDsp* dsp;
    thisdsp->getUserData((void **)&dsp);

// Process samples
for (count = 0; count < length; count++)
  dsp->ProcessFrame(&outbuffer[(count * outchannels)],
                       &outbuffer[(count * outchannels) + 1],
                       inbuffer[(count * inchannels)],
                       inbuffer[(count * inchannels)+1]);
return FMOD_OK;

And finally, inside ReverbDsp::ProcessFrame, Dattorro´s network is implemented. Input samples are processed and output samples are generated.

// Process one audio frame (stereo)
void ReverbDsp::ProcessFrame(
float* outL, // Output left channel sample
float* outR, // Output right channel sample
float inL,  // Input left channel sample
float inR  // Input right channel sample
float accumulator, x1, x2, x3;

//Implements Datorro's reverberation network

x1 =(inL + inR)/2.0f;


x2 = x1 + m_delay4->ReadSample() * m_decayFactor;
x3 = x1 + m_delay2->ReadSample() * m_decayFactor;

x2 *= m_decayFactor;

x3 *= m_decayFactor;

//Compute output values
accumulator = m_scaleFactor * m_delay3->GetDelayedSample(266);
accumulator += m_scaleFactor * m_delay3->GetDelayedSample(2974);
accumulator -= m_scaleFactor * m_tank8->GetDelayedSample(1913);
accumulator += m_scaleFactor * m_delay4->GetDelayedSample(1996);
accumulator += m_scaleFactor * m_delay1->GetDelayedSample(1990);
accumulator -= m_scaleFactor * m_tank7->GetDelayedSample(187);
*outL = accumulator
    - m_scaleFactor * m_delay2->GetDelayedSample(1066);

accumulator = m_scaleFactor * m_delay1->GetDelayedSample(353);
accumulator += m_scaleFactor * m_delay1->GetDelayedSample(3627);
accumulator -= m_scaleFactor * m_tank7->GetDelayedSample(1228);
accumulator += m_scaleFactor * m_delay2->GetDelayedSample(2673);
accumulator -= m_scaleFactor * m_delay3->GetDelayedSample(2111);
accumulator += m_scaleFactor * m_tank8->GetDelayedSample(353);
*outR = accumulator
    - m_scaleFactor * m_delay4->GetDelayedSample(121);
This way we get a clean sound without background noise ;)

Sample Visual Studio 2010 project can be downloaded here, in order to make it compile you must add to the VC++ Include Directories the path to your FMOD sdk include folder also as add to the VC++ Library Directories the path to FMOD sdk lib folder.

An executable of it can be downloaded here (needs fmodex.dll to be at same directory).